About Me

Portrait of Javier Machin

I'm Javier, a results-driven software developer with a strong focus on web solutions. My expertise lies in crafting web applications that seamlessly blend functionality with design.

Throughout my career, I've consistently delivered solutions that not only meet business objectives but also enhance the development team's experience.

I thrive on solving complex problems and collaborating with diverse teams to achieve common goals. My track record includes projects delivered to names such as Paradox Interactive, Grover and Insendi, to name a few.

Outside of the tech world, I'm an avid car enthusiast and enjoy exploring the beautiful island of Gran Canaria where I reside.

I'm always excited to leverage my skills and contribute to innovative projects. Let's connect and explore how I can help drive success for your team.



CSS3 / Sass



ReactJS / NextJS



Ruby on Rails

NodeJS / Express





Testing Library




GraphQL logo

Professional Projects



Currently involved in the development of the B2B side of the German unicorn Grover.

With over $2.2B raised, Grover makes technology accessible to everyone, by enabling individuals, businesses and organizations to subscribe to tech products monthly instead of buying them.

Additionally Grover provides a clear path towards the reduction of e-waste via circular economy



Worked on the development of the successful digital learning platform Insendi.

It provides universities with the ability to create engaging online courses with a big array of options and customization.

Some of the universities making use of the platform are:

Imperial College London

New York University: Stern

IE Business School

ESMT Berlin

Singapore Management University

Insendi was acquired in 2020 by StudyGroup.



Maintained and added new features to the music distribution application Beatroot.

I also led the effort to develop and implement a new UI for it.

Beatroot is part of the Tennessee based music industry corporation Made in Memphis, founded by the successful musician David Porter.



Additionally, provided consulting services for multiple companies and projects including:

Paradox Interactive - Publishers of multi-million selling games such as
Cities Skylines, Stellaris and Crusader Kings

Naturkartan - Popular Swedish nature guide

Blendow Lexnova - Legal services

These collaborations were orchestrated by the Swedish agency Odd Camp.


Tomos Rees's avatar
Tomos Rees

Senior Software Engineer


... Javier is one of the most driven people I've had the pleasure to work with. Upon joining the team he didn't hesitate to throw his self in to solving the more difficult bugs which had plagued the team for some time ...

Ancor Cruz's avatar
Ancor Cruz


ex-teammate & manager

... Within a few months in the role, he adapted really well to our fully remote working culture and demonstrated his abilities conceiving solutions that fulfill business needs ...

Ilit Amar's avatar
Ilit Amar

Senior Software Engineer


... No matter the project, he never hesitated to take it on and deliver outstanding results. Javier is not only a skilled front-end developer but also a true team player, always willing to lend a hand and contribute to the team's success ...

Isaac Jarquin's avatar
Isaac Jarquin

Senior Software Engineer


... At the time we worked together he was leading the development of the frontend application, leaving the application in a much better shape than it was before he joined the team and increasing the test coverage by a big margin ...

Other Projects

React Weather App
Natours Project
Natours Project

Weather app made with React.

Enter a location and it will fetch the weather data from a weather API (openweathermap.org) and display an animated representation of the current weather along with values like temperature, humidity and state of the sky.

Some of its features are:

  • Fetch new data for a new location without reloading
  • Error handling for different HTTP status codes
  • Keyframe based sky elements animations
  • Responsive design

Check it online here

Check the source code here

Find more of my projects in my Github.

Let's get in touch

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Copyright © 2018-2024 Javier Machín